Teapot – CoffeeGeek https://www.coffeegeek.fr The essential blog for coffee lovers!! Sun, 21 Jul 2024 07:33:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/www.coffeegeek.fr/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/coffeegeek_icone_grain_cafe.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Teapot – CoffeeGeek https://www.coffeegeek.fr 32 32 221037668 Test of the Kinto Unitea, a V60-compatible teapot https://www.coffeegeek.fr/en/kinto-unitea-review-a-v60-compatible-teapot/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=kinto-unitea-review-a-v60-compatible-teapot https://www.coffeegeek.fr/en/kinto-unitea-review-a-v60-compatible-teapot/#comments Thu, 15 Aug 2024 11:39:18 +0000 https://www.coffeegeek.fr/?p=4050 My positive experience with the Kinto insulated water bottle sparked my curiosity about this Japanese brand. This led me to discover a truly remarkable glass teapot: the Kinto Unitea One Touch. This teapot stands out with several unique features that differentiate it from other glass teapots I’ve encountered. Exploring the Design of the Kinto Teapot […]

L’article Test of the Kinto Unitea, a V60-compatible teapot est apparu en premier sur CoffeeGeek.

My positive experience with the Kinto insulated water bottle sparked my curiosity about this Japanese brand. This led me to discover a truly remarkable glass teapot: the Kinto Unitea One Touch. This teapot stands out with several unique features that differentiate it from other glass teapots I’ve encountered.

Test of the Kinto Unitea V60 compatible teapot: empty teapot
Test of the Kinto Unitea V60 compatible teapot: empty teapot

Exploring the Design of the Kinto Teapot

Offered in both 720 ml and 460 ml sizes, this teapot boasts a design that is as practical as it is elegant. One of its standout features is the unique system that holds the tea during the infusion process. Unlike traditional teapots, the Kinto doesn’t rely on a basket system to brew tea. This means that the tea leaves aren’t “compacted” during infusion, as they often are with Bodum pourers, for instance. This allows for a more effective infusion and also makes the teapot easier to clean, thanks to its wide opening. You can effortlessly insert a sponge for a thorough clean. Plus, it’s dishwasher-safe and its clever design prevents water retention, eliminating the risk of unsightly streaks.

Indeed, the generous opening of this teapot enables it to double as a pourer for the Hario V60. This means that with this versatile Kinto, you get a convenient 2-in-1 system for brewing either tea or coffee (assuming you have a V60 or a similar device).

Test of the Kinto Unitea, a V60-compatible teapot: The teapot has the advantage of being compatible with the V60.
The Kinto teapot can also be used as a pourer for the V60.

With its broad opening, filling and cleaning become a breeze, and it’s even dishwasher-friendly for your convenience.

Wrapping It Up

As an avid fan of both tea and coffee, I’m absolutely thrilled with my recent purchase. This versatile jug is perfect for brewing V60 coffee and various types of tea, which I frequently enjoy on-the-go in my insulated flask. It’s a delightful addition to my daily routine, especially when I’m heading to work.

After careful consideration, I’ve joyfully settled on a perfect score of 5/5 for this.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

The Bright Side

  • Materials (mostly glass)
  • Wide opening for easy cleaning
  • Can be used with a V60
  • Rather pretty

Areas for Improvement

  • I didn’t find any

L’article Test of the Kinto Unitea, a V60-compatible teapot est apparu en premier sur CoffeeGeek.

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