Café – CoffeeGeek The essential blog for coffee lovers!! Wed, 21 Aug 2024 20:49:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Café – CoffeeGeek 32 32 221037668 The Secrets of Using a La Pavoni Lever Espresso Machine Thu, 22 Aug 2024 18:59:47 +0000 Wondering how to use a La Pavoni lever machine? You’re not alone! This is a common question among baristas who are eager to master this unique machine. La Pavoni lever-operated machines are renowned for their sensitivity, meaning that even the smallest misstep can have a noticeable impact on your cup of coffee. While your initial […]

L’article The Secrets of Using a La Pavoni Lever Espresso Machine est apparu en premier sur CoffeeGeek.

Wondering how to use a La Pavoni lever machine? You’re not alone! This is a common question among baristas who are eager to master this unique machine. La Pavoni lever-operated machines are renowned for their sensitivity, meaning that even the smallest misstep can have a noticeable impact on your cup of coffee. While your initial attempts with a La Pavoni might not produce the perfect brew, it’s important to stay positive. With time and practice, you’ll be able to hone your technique, ensuring a delicious cup of coffee every time.

Key Ingredients for Brewing the Perfect Cup of Coffee

Exploring Water Quality

May I suggest using bottled or filtered water for your coffee? It’s a simple change that can significantly enhance the taste of your beverages. Plus, filtered water contains less limescale than unfiltered tap water, which means your coffee-making equipment will last longer. Interested in learning more? Check out my Brita glass carafe review.

Savor the Aroma of Freshly Roasted Coffee Beans

Selecting the right coffee beans can significantly enhance the quality of your brew. I would suggest purchasing your beans from a local roaster instead of a supermarket. Coffee sourced from a local roaster tends to be fresher and benefits from a slow roasting process, unlike the quick-fire method employed in industrial settings. Plus, it’s much simpler to trace the origin of your beans when you buy locally.

This article explains the various stages your coffee beans go through before roasting.

Discover the Perfect Coffee Grinder

When it comes to using a La Pavoni machine, or indeed any semi-professional or professional machine, the importance of using freshly ground coffee cannot be overstated. Pre-ground coffee bought from the store simply won’t do justice to a La Pavoni. Therefore, the first crucial step is to invest in a top-notch coffee grinder. You’re presented with two options: an electric grinder or a hand grinder.

Exploring the Electric Mill

When it comes to electric grinders for espresso, the variety is indeed vast. While it’s not the primary topic of this article, it’s worth noting that there are two main types of grinders available for your consideration:

  • Flat grinding wheels
  • Conical grinding wheels

Exploring the Hand Mill

Almost every hand mill you’ll come across is fitted with conical grinding wheels, with only a few exceptions. When it comes to espresso, choosing a grinder with a small wheel isn’t the best idea. Why? Because it would significantly lengthen the grinding time. So, what’s the ideal size? A grindstone that’s at least 47 mm.

Perfecting your espresso requires fine-tuning. Hand grinders offer three potential setting positions for you to explore:

1zpresso j ultra coffee grinder
At the time of writing. Since Kingrinderhas stopped making its grinders, in my opinion, the best hand grinder for espresso is the 1Zpresso J ultra.
  1. Bottom adjustment knob: Located at the grinding wheel, it has a limited adjustment range. For espresso, the ideal setting is often between two notches. Examples: El Comandante C40 and Timemore Chestnut X. However, I don’t recommend them specifically for espresso, as they are better suited to mild extraction methods.
  2. Middle adjustment wheel: Positioned on the body of the grinder, it presents the same problem as bottom-adjustment grinders for espresso. The ideal setting is often between two notches.
  3. Top-mountedsetting wheel: This is the optimum option for espresso, offering a very wide setting range. Several brands offer grinders with these features, at different prices. Among the main ones are the Kingrinder K4 and K6, and the 1Zpresso. However, I wouldn’t recommend the Timemore S3 for espresso.

The Art of Weighing Coffee: Your Secret to Consistently Perfect Espresso

Accurately weighing your coffee is the secret to a perfect espresso. But don’t worry: while it’s a crucial tool, scales are available across a wide range of prices. The key requirement is to select a scale that offers an accuracy of at least 0.1g, as this will be our margin of error when measuring the coffee.

  • For small budgets, the easiest way is to go for small jeweller’s scales, the first prices are around 10€ and we can find them on Amazon.
  • For a slightly higher budget, we recommend scales with a timer. This timer will help you measure your espresso extraction time / V60 / AeroPress infusion time.
  • For even bigger budgets, there are scales with timers and modes. For example, automatic triggering of the timer at the start of extraction (when the first drops fall into the cups), or auto-tare etc…

Uncover the Hidden Gems of La Pavoni in Levier

Enhance Your La Pavoni Experience with Adequate Preheating

Warming up your La Pavoni (or any coffee machine for that matter) is absolutely vital. While it’s true that La Pavoni necessitates a pre-heat, it’s equally important to warm up all the components involved in brewing the espresso: the machine itself, the filter holder, and the cup. The temperature of the water plays a pivotal role in the coffee extraction process. If any of the required elements are cold, it could impact the temperature of both the water and the coffee, altering the taste. For instance, even if the machine and filter holder are adequately heated, brewing coffee into a cold cup could significantly affect its flavor.

When it’s time to warm up my La Pavoni, I make sure to switch it on a good 15 minutes before I plan to brew my coffee. This ensures it’s at the perfect temperature for a delicious cup!

Let’s Discuss Two Scenarios Involving the Filter Holder:

  • With nozzles: Preheating is essential.
  • Bottomless : Preheating is not mandatory.

For an optimal coffee experience, it’s essential to preheat your filter holder. Simply attach it to your machine as it warms up. The heat conduction will naturally raise the temperature of your filter holder. To finish off the preheating process, allow a small amount of water to flow through the filter holder towards the end. This ensures it’s perfectly heated and ready for your delicious brew.

Let’s get your cup nice and toasty! To do this, simply run hot water through your La Pavoni machine. This not only warms up your cup but also completes the preheating process for the entire machine. It ensures that the piston, which typically takes a bit longer to heat up, the filter holder, and of course, your cup, are all perfectly preheated and ready to go.

Discover the Perfect Grind for Your Coffee

With the elements now nicely preheated, it’s time to dive into the delightful process of preparing the coffee. Start by measuring the coffee, gently moisten it to prevent clumping, shape it, and then nestle it into the filter holder. Don’t worry, we’ll guide you through each step with care and precision.

Let’s start with measuring your coffee. Personally, I find that 16g of coffee hits the sweet spot for my espressos. However, feel free to experiment and bump it up to 18g if you prefer a stronger brew. The key here is the water-to-coffee ratio, a topic I’ll delve into in an upcoming article. Experiment a bit to discover the perfect balance of coffee and water for your taste. Just remember, if you’re using your machine’s double filter, you’ll need a minimum of 14g of coffee.

For the perfect coffee grind, an espresso grinder is essential. The images showcase the Bplus Apollo coffee grinder, a fantastic choice for this task.

Combat Channeling for a Superior Espresso Experience

Understanding channeling in espresso is a key aspect for any coffee enthusiast or expert. This phenomenon happens when hot water doesn’t flow evenly through the coffee grounds, instead creating specific pathways through the grounds. This can lead to an uneven extraction, resulting in a less than perfect cup of coffee with inconsistent flavors and aromas. To brew the perfect espresso, mastering the methods to prevent and reduce channeling is vital. This ensures a consistent extraction and a truly enjoyable tasting experience. However, this topic won’t be discussed in depth in this article. Instead, I encourage you to check out my other article which is specifically dedicated to the subject of channeling in espresso.

The image illustrates the phenomenon of channeling in espresso, where hot water passes through the ground coffee unevenly, creating preferential paths through the grounds. This unbalanced extraction can lead to inconsistent flavours and aromas in the cup.

Prevent channeling by adhering to two crucial suggestions: purchase or create your own WDT and ensure you tamp evenly. These two factors are the primary culprits behind channeling in espresso.

Let’s start by pouring the ground coffee into the filter nestled in the La Pavoni‘s filter holder. In this particular illustration, I’m utilizing a bottomless filter holder. Given that the filter of a La Pavoni Europiccola has a diameter of 51 mm, I would suggest using a compact funnel to ensure a neat and tidy process, keeping coffee spills at bay.

Let’s pay close attention to this step, it’s crucial! It helps us avoid channeling. What I do is, I gently break up any clumps and distribute the coffee uniformly across the filter with the help of a WDT.

Let’s take a look at the comparison, both before and after the implementation of the WDT.

Après avoir moulu le café, je l'ajoute dans un le porte filtre de la La pavoni.Café dans le porte filtre après passage du WDT

Next up, I get to work with a tamper. I personally prefer to use a tamper that comes with a guide, as it assists me in packing the coffee evenly and straight. Here’s a friendly tip for you: Opt for a tamper with a diameter of 51.5 mm. This little trick helps to prevent any coffee residue from lingering around the filter.

At last, I introduce a puck screen to the tightly packed coffee. This puck screen serves multiple purposes: it minimizes channeling and prevents the coffee machine’s spray head from getting clogged with coffee grounds. While it’s not mandatory, I personally consider this accessory to be absolutely essential.

Mastering the Art of Pouring Espresso with a La Pavoni

When using a La Pavoni, you’ll find that it employs a piston. This piston needs to be lifted with the lever to fill the piston’s chamber with water before you begin the extraction process. To avoid creating a vacuum that could potentially break the coffee cake, I find it best to lift the lever about three-quarters of the way before securing the filter holder. However, if you prefer to attach the filter holder prior to lifting the lever, make sure to release the lever with a gentle touch. Failing to do so could result in a vacuum effect that breaks the coffee wafer and leads to channeling.

Next up, I secure the filter holder to the machine and complete the action of lifting the lever to fill the piston chamber with water. After a brief pause, I apply a slight pressure on the lever (just a tad more than the weight of my hand) to initiate the pre-infusion process. This pre-infusion stage lasts for a brief moment (around 5 to 7 seconds) and I halt it once a few droplets of coffee have trickled into the cup. By doing so, the coffee puck becomes thoroughly saturated with water.

Once the pre-infusion stage has been successfully completed, I delicately lift the lever to replenish the water within the lever chamber. Following this, I initiate the extraction process.

When it comes to extracting the perfect cup of coffee, achieving a pressure of 9 bar is key. I personally use my trusty pressure gauge to measure the pressure within the piston chamber. If you don’t happen to have a gauge at your disposal, don’t worry! You can still achieve the desired pressure. Simply apply a similar amount of pressure as you would when tamping coffee. To give you a rough idea, you’re looking at exerting about 12 kg on the lever to reach that golden 9 bar of pressure.

Feel free to adjust the quantity of water to achieve the desired ratio. Opt for an extraction time that falls between 25 and 30 seconds. If you find your extraction process is either too swift or too sluggish, it might be necessary to tweak the amount of coffee or opt for a finer grind (remember, it’s best to alter one setting at a time).

And voila! Here’s the outcome you’ve been waiting for.

Heads Up: It’s crucial not to rush into removing the filter holder right away, as it’s currently under pressure. Please, give it a moment to let the pressure decrease. And don’t forget, always turn off your machine when you’re done.

Tackling Common Issues During Espresso Extraction

ProblemPossible solutions
Lever lowers without resistanceCoffee grind too thick: grind finer

Coffee quantity too low: increase coffee quantity

Coffee not freshly roasted and/or ground: replace coffee
Lever locked at top and difficult to lowerCoffee ground too fine: grind coarser

Coffee quantity too large: reduce coffee quantity
Acid coffeeInsufficient water temperature: check that the water is hot enough.
Not enough water in the cupGently lift lever a second time to increase water quantity
Coffee flows unevenly / splashesChanneling problem: read the following article
Coffee with a burnt tasteWater temperature too high: let the machine cool down if it is switched on for too long or used for several coffees in a row.
Troubleshooting table for a La Pavoni

Wrapping Things Up

I trust that I’ve been successful in guiding you to become proficient with your La Pavoni. It may take a few attempts, but rest assured, you’ll soon get the hang of this occasionally temperamental machine. Despite its quirks, it’s an exceptional piece of equipment: remarkably easy to maintain, incredibly robust, resilient to wear and tear, and truly aesthetically pleasing.

If you’re intrigued by this topic, you might find this article particularly useful: The Maintenance Guide for a La Pavoni. It provides detailed instructions on changing seals, greasing the piston, and more.
Article explaining how to maintain a La Pavoni.

Don’t hesitate to drop your questions, share extra insights, or simply express your thoughts on the article (which indeed took a lot of effort) in the comments section below. I’m eagerly looking forward to reading and responding to your messages.

L’article The Secrets of Using a La Pavoni Lever Espresso Machine est apparu en premier sur CoffeeGeek.

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CoffeeGeek’s test of the 1Zpresso J-Ultra Wed, 21 Aug 2024 09:02:39 +0000 Recently, I’ve realized that I frequently suggest the 1Zpresso J-Ultra as a top-notch espresso grinder. However, I noticed that I hadn’t yet provided any user feedback for you. In reality, I’m already a proud owner of the J-Ultra’s elder sibling, the J-Max. The sole distinction between these two grinders is that one features a retractable […]

L’article CoffeeGeek’s test of the 1Zpresso J-Ultra est apparu en premier sur CoffeeGeek.

Recently, I’ve realized that I frequently suggest the 1Zpresso J-Ultra as a top-notch espresso grinder. However, I noticed that I hadn’t yet provided any user feedback for you. In reality, I’m already a proud owner of the J-Ultra’s elder sibling, the J-Max. The sole distinction between these two grinders is that one features a retractable crank, while the other does not.

The creation of this retractable crank handle is a fascinating tale of resilience and innovation. It all began when a rival German brand sought to hinder 1Zpresso’s European sales by filing a lawsuit over the handle’s design. Consequently, 1Zpresso had to adapt and redesign the crank handle on several of its grinders, including the J-Max. This led to the birth of the J-Ultra, a grinder that continues to be a popular choice in Europe. But that’s not all, 1Zpresso boasts a wide range of coffee grinders, each with its unique features. You can explore them all here.

I’ve recently acquired the J-Ultra, and I’m excited to share it with you.

Discovering the Magic Inside the 1Zpresso J-Ultra Box

Our coffee grinder includes a variety of handy accessories:

  • Carrying case
  • Brush for cleaning the mill
  • Small bellows
  • Silicone strap, to be fitted on the mill according to your choice
  • Card with QR code, redirecting to instructions for use

Discover top-notch accessories.

Exploring the Design of the 1Zpresso J-Ultra

The moment you lay your hands on the J-Ultra, you’re instantly enveloped by a feeling of superior quality. To be frank, it’s immediately clear that it’s not playing in the same field as the Kingrinder I reviewed earlier. But before we delve into the specifics of each component, let’s start with my overall impression.

The 1Zpresso boasts a robust weight, ensuring stability during use. Its magnetic container is securely fastened with an array of magnets, providing a firm hold. The grinder is well balanced, designed with a low center of gravity to prevent any accidental toppling. The adjustment knob is a joy to use, offering a satisfying resistance with each click. With its ultra-fine settings of 8 µm, the 1Zpresso is a coffee grinder specifically tailored for espresso.

Exploring the Key Features of Your Coffee Grinder

Let’s dive into the key features of the 1Zpresso J-Ultra manual coffee grinder:

  • Precise adjustment: 8 microns per click.
  • Wheels: 48 mm wheels, optimized for espresso.
  • Materials: Wood, polycarbonate, silicone, stainless steel, aluminum alloy.
  • Ergonomic design: rounded body for a comfortable grip.
  • Magnetic container: Secure attachment and easy removal.
  • Weight and dimensions: 700g, 19 x 18.5 x 5.5 cm, 35-40g capacity.
  • Accessories: Cleaning brush, blower, carrying case.
  • Warranty: One year, defects in materials and workmanship.

Discover the J-Ultra Crank Handle

If you’re a keen follower of coffee industry updates, you might be aware of the recent controversy involving 1Zpresso. This company found itself in hot water with a competing German manufacturer who lodged a complaint against them. The bone of contention? A crank handle design that was strikingly similar to their own. Rising to the challenge, 1Zpresso swiftly redesigned their crank handle, not only changing its shape but also making it retractable. Despite these changes, some 1Zpresso products, like the J-Max, had to be pulled off the shelves due to the crank handle issue.

One unique feature of the J-Ultra is its integrated crank handle, which is cleverly built into the cap – one of the few plastic components of the mill. This foldable design is a first for me from 1Zpresso, and it certainly lends a robust feel to the mill. However, I must admit, I find it not as user-friendly as the Timemore system. It’s possible that 1Zpresso couldn’t incorporate the Timemore system due to patent restrictions or lack of agreements. The ability to retract the crank is a significant plus, as it allows the mill to be more compact and maintain better balance.

Experience a new level of comfort with the redesigned crank handle, meticulously crafted to provide an exceptional grip. Its broad and ergonomic design ensures a smooth coffee grinding experience. While earlier 1Zpresso models echoed the design of the El Comandante C40 crank handle, the latest design draws inspiration from theBPlus Apollo.

Exploring the Design of the J-Ultra Coffee Grinder

1Zpresso coffee grinders are delightfully user-friendly. The J-Ultra model gives me the same satisfying experience as the other models I’ve tested, such as the JE-Plus and J-Max. The tactile texture around the mill ensures a superb grip, making additional silicone straps for a better hold unnecessary, unlike with the BPlus’ Apollo model.

The external adjustment knob is subtly prominent, offering a firm hold that ensures the mill stays securely in your grasp. This is a thoughtful enhancement from the Timemore Chestnut X, where I previously observed this issue.

Exploring the Magnetic Container of the 1Zpresso J-Ultra

The design of the magnetic container for collecting ground coffee is truly ingenious. It’s equipped with a multitude of magnets that firmly secure it to the grinder, ensuring it stays put even during vigorous grinding. Its substantial weight contributes to the overall stability of the grinder, maintaining balance even when the crank is fully extended. This is a noteworthy feature, especially considering the tilting issues I’ve noticed with the Timemore Chestnut X when the crank isn’t retracted. Additionally, the container is thoughtfully fitted with a rubber pad at the bottom, providing a safeguard against any potential damage to your countertop.

The manufacturer has thoughtfully designed the container with a subtle incline, extending from the base to the magnets, to ensure no ground coffee gets left behind. This clever design feature sets it apart from other manufacturers. It effectively eliminates the issue of coffee getting stuck while being transferred into the filter holder, a common problem I’ve noticed with models like the C40 and Kinu.

One aspect of this container that I truly admired is the magnetic attachment feature. The clever addition of a recess in its design ensures that the container stays firmly in place, even when pressure is applied at an angle while the mill is operating. This thoughtful design significantly reduces the chances of the container accidentally detaching under such conditions.

Exploring the Adjustment Wheel

Perched atop the grinder, you’ll find the adjustment knob, conveniently located on the exterior. This knob allows for a wheel spacing of 8 µm per click, a level of precision that is a perfect match for espresso preparation, promising an exceptional degree of finesse. Unlike other grinders, particularly those with bottom adjustments, this grinder offers unparalleled precision. Sometimes, the perfect cup of coffee requires a setting that falls between two clicks, a feat not achievable with less precise grinders.

Below, a graph of the 1Zpresso J-Ultra settings.
1Zpresso J-Ultra tableau des tailles de mouture Zero-based quotations 0.0.0 0.5.0 1.0.0 1.5.0 2.0.0 2.5.0 3.0.0 3.5.0 4.0.0 4.5.0 5.0.0 Turc Espresso V60 Aeropress Moka pot Pour over Siphon Filter coffee machine French press Cupping Cold brew Cold drip Steep-and-release 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400μm Extra fine Fine Medium fine Medium Medium coarse Coarse Extra Coarse

This chart is a French rendition of the original for our Francophone friends.

Exploring the Intricacies of the Grinding Wheel

Let’s talk about the J-Ultra’s grindstone. It boasts a 48 mm diameter, specifically crafted for espresso. I’ll delve deeper into this shortly, but rest assured, it’s a fact.

When you’re on the hunt for a coffee grinder specifically designed for espresso, there are three key factors you should keep in mind:

  • Fine adjustment: the J-Ultra’s precision of 8 µm per click enables very fine adjustment, essential for espresso.
  • Grinding wheel size: Larger grinding wheels (47-48 mm) reduce grinding time. For example, with smaller grindstones (38-40 mm), it takes around 1 minute 30 to grind by hand. With 47-48 mm wheels, the grinding time for 16 g of coffee is around 40 seconds.
  • Grindstones designed for espresso: The quality of the grind depends on its regularity. A wide disparity in the size of the ground fragments adversely affects the taste of the coffee. Some grindstones are optimized for the fine, even grind essential for espresso. Other grinders can be versatile, offering a grind that’s regular enough for both pour-over and espresso, but without reaching the quality of dedicated grinders.

These elements play a pivotal role in crafting a top-notch espresso.

Meet the 1Zpresso J-Ultra: Your Perfect Partner for an Exquisite Espresso Experience

It was a tough call deciding whether to use my La Pavoni or my Lelit Mara X to demonstrate an espresso made with the 1Zpresso J-Ultra. In the end, I opted for my Lelit Mara X. It’s been a while since I’ve showcased it, plus it’s simpler to photograph the extraction process with it compared to my La Pavoni. To keep our focus on the grinder’s operation and handling, I won’t delve into the intricacies of espresso making this time around. Rest assured, I’ve explored these topics in depth in previous articles.

Today, I’m spicing things up a bit with my espresso preparation. Instead of sticking to my usual routine, I’ll be grinding 18g of coffee. Why, you ask? Well, I’m in the mood to tweak my standard water-to-coffee ratio for a slightly more concentrated brew. Let’s see how this goes!

With the help of my trusty scale, I carefully measure out 18g of coffee. To mitigate the static electricity that often arises during the grinding process, I add a smattering of water drops. This static electricity is often the culprit behind those pesky lumps and the annoying coffee retention in the grinder.

Next, I carefully move the coffee beans into the welcoming embrace of the grinder for their transformation. The grinder’s opening is generously wide, ensuring a spill-free transfer of the beans.

Next, I extend the crank and begin the process of grinding. To provide a clearer picture, when I need to grind 18g of coffee using this grinder, I typically use the following setting: a complete rotation of the knob, followed by setting it to position 1.0. The entire grinding process for this amount of coffee usually takes me around 40 to 50 seconds.

Exploring the Retention Capacity of the 1Zpresso J-Ultra

In order to assess the retention capacity of this coffee grinder, I embarked on a simple experiment. I started by weighing the coffee beans before grinding them. After grinding, I weighed the coffee once more, this time in the filter holder. The results were quite revealing, as depicted in the accompanying photos. This grinder’s retention is remarkably minimal, which is a great feature.

Based on my personal experience, I’ve discovered that retention primarily happens in two key areas of a hand mill:

  1. At the grinding wheel outlet: This retention can easily be reduced using the RDT(Ross Droplet Technique).
  2. In the container, because of its shape or the materials used. I’ve used top-of-the-range grinders where the manufacturer had put a rim inside the container. This rim, designed to hold the container’s fastening system, blocked coffee every time it was poured into the filter.

Rest easy with the 1Zpresso J-Ultra. The thoughtful design features a gentle slope instead of a rim, ensuring no coffee gets trapped. Plus, the paint utilized is of the finest quality, guaranteeing zero retention.

It’s important to note that the use of the RTD technique significantly decreases retention. Additionally, you might observe a higher retention during the initial use. This is because the mill may be charged with static electricity, a result of the plastics used during its transportation and manufacturing process.

Once your coffee is finely ground and neatly poured into the filter holder, it’s time to take steps to prevent channeling. To do this, I recommend using a WDT to evenly distribute the coffee. Next, you’ll want to tamp it down firmly using a guide tamper. Lastly, don’t forget to add a puckscreen for the best results.

My trusty Lelit has been warming up for a bit, ensuring my cups are perfectly hot, and my filter holder is primed and ready. Now, it’s time to pour that delightful cup of coffee.

I’m thrilled to share that my coffee extraction process took a mere 25 seconds, operating at a pressure of 9 bar. Thanks to the flow control feature of my trusty Lelit Mara X, I was able to achieve a delightful 40 ml of coffee in my cup. Now, let’s take a visual journey through the different stages of the extraction process with the images provided below.

So, without further ado, let’s unveil the final result:

The image captured beautifully showcases the delightful coffee I brewed using the 1Zpresso J-Ultra coffee grinder and my trusty Lelit Mara X V2. To give you a vivid idea of my sensory experience, I’ve included a flavor wheel below. It visually represents the unique mouthfeel I experienced while savoring this particular brew.

  • Country of origin: Honduras Uluma
  • Type of coffee: Arabica – Typica / Pacas
  • Altitude: 1200 – 1700m
  • SCA score: 84/100
  • Roaster’s description: A complex, highly aromatic coffee with bright, lively acidity and a smooth, velvety body.

Is it Possible to Brew a V60 Using a 1Zpresso J-Ultra?

Absolutely, you can certainly use a coffee grinder that’s primarily designed for espresso to prepare your V60. However, as highlighted in the grindstones section of this article, certain grindstones are specifically engineered to work more efficiently with particular grind sizes. Consequently, some grindstones might outperform the 1Zpresso J-Ultra when it comes to pour-over / V60. I experimented with the same coffee I typically use for espresso, but this time in a V60. Although the roast was slightly on the darker side for a V60, which usually favors very light roasts, the coffee turned out to be truly delightful.

  • Country of origin: Honduras Uluma
  • Type of coffee: Arabica – Typica / Pacas
  • Altitude: 1200 – 1700m
  • SCA score: 84/100
  • Roaster’s description: A complex, highly aromatic coffee with bright, lively acidity and a smooth, velvety body.

Unraveling the Steps to Disassemble Your 1Zpresso J-Ultra

When it comes to disassembling your 1Zpresso J-Ultra, the process is quite straightforward. Start by gently unscrewing the nut that secures the central axle. You can easily do this with your fingers. Once that’s done, proceed to remove the grinding wheel. Now, with the help of the brush and pump that came with your grinder, you’re all set to clean it thoroughly. It’s as simple as that!

Here’s a snapshot showcasing the state of the grindstones after brewing several cups of coffee without giving them a proper clean.

Did you know? You can even remove the fixed grinding wheel to clean your mill more meticulously. It’s all about keeping things sparkling clean!

Final Thoughts: Does the 1Zpresso J-Ultra Reign Supreme as the Best Espresso Grinder?

Meet the J-Ultra, a premium coffee grinder that stands out for its exceptional build quality and the superior cup results it delivers. To be honest, it’s hard to find any shortcomings with this grinder. It boasts a plethora of benefits such as a stylish design, an excellent grip, and highly precise adjustment options with numerous notches. Plus, if needed, you have the option to dismantle and align the grinding wheels – a feature that’s quite rare. To top it all off, it comes complete with a carrying case and additional accessories.

When compared to the other coffee grinders featured on our site, such as the Kingrinder, El Comandante C40, Timemore S3, and the Apollo from BPlus, the 1Zpresso J-Ultra stands out as the top choice for espresso. While the quality of the brew is comparable to that of the Apollo or VS3 (which also have specific espresso grinders), the J-Ultra’s handling is far superior. The El Comandante

Wrapping things up, if your budget is flexible and your focus is primarily on espresso extraction, then the 1Zpresso J-Ultra is the perfect match for you. However, if you’re working with a tighter budget and also have a penchant for pour-over coffee, the Kingrinder makes a great alternative.

After careful consideration, I’ve awarded the 1Zpresso J-Ultra a perfect score of 5 out of 5.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

The Bright Side

  • Supplied accessories case
  • Very good grip
  • Retractable crank handle
  • High-precision adjustment
  • Excellent espresso grind
  • Removable

Areas for Improvement

  • The price

L’article CoffeeGeek’s test of the 1Zpresso J-Ultra est apparu en premier sur CoffeeGeek.

]]> 0 4189
Upgrade Your Coffee Experience with the Brita Glass Carafe Fri, 16 Aug 2024 19:28:33 +0000 As a coffee enthusiast, I was keen on shielding my coffee equipment from limescale. I also wanted to sidestep the recurring expense of bottled water. So, I promptly opted for filter carafes. At first, I was the proud owner of a Philips decanter (which I’ll discuss further in this review), but later, I upgraded to […]

L’article Upgrade Your Coffee Experience with the Brita Glass Carafe est apparu en premier sur CoffeeGeek.

As a coffee enthusiast, I was keen on shielding my coffee equipment from limescale. I also wanted to sidestep the recurring expense of bottled water. So, I promptly opted for filter carafes. At first, I was the proud owner of a Philips decanter (which I’ll discuss further in this review), but later, I upgraded to a Brita glass decanter.
Older article that led me to prefer a carafe filter to store-bought bottled water.

At first, I was drawn to the Philips pitcher primarily due to its attractive price point. Indeed, it’s noticeably more affordable than its Brita counterparts. However, I soon discovered that the design of the Philips pitcher left much to be desired, and I found the water filtration to be less than satisfactory. You might be wondering why. Well, it turns out that Brita utilizes a unique system that slows down the water flow through the filter. This means that, even with the same filter, Brita manages to provide a more thorough filtration process.

Explore the Unique Design of the Brita Glass Decanter

Introducing Brita’s latest glass model, a true milestone in design evolution. When compared to its predecessors, this fresh design boasts a more rounded appearance, moving away from the traditional carafe filter look. Let’s delve into the noteworthy changes that this model brings to the table.

Old generation brita. These have now been replaced by the new generation, including glass filter carafes.
Brita’s previous generation: the Fjord model. It was all plastic, with a less attractive design than the new generation.
Full Brita glass carafe filter test: carafe side view
New generation Brita, the subject of this test.

First innovation: Brita’s glass model introduces a convenient small lid that effortlessly lifts up, allowing you to fill the reservoir with water for filtration. This lid can be securely locked at the end of its stroke, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free pouring experience. The previous plastic model lacked this feature, and the lid would inconveniently slide inwards during pouring, resulting in dust accumulation in the tank. For this reason, I find the glass lid to be a superior choice.

Complete Brita glass carafe filter test: carafe lid opens upwards

One more delightful feature to note is that the carafe is designed in such a way that it can be fully inverted to pour out the water. Thanks to its leak-proof lid, not even a single drop of water will escape. Unfortunately, this is a feature you won’t find in plastic models from Brita or Philips, as they lack a watertight lid.

Old filter status indicator. This has disappeared on the new generation Brita, making the carafe much more aesthetically pleasing.
Former filter status indicator. This has disappeared on the new generation of Brita, making the carafe much more aesthetically pleasing.
Complete Brita glass carafe filter test: LED color indicates whether or not the carafe filter needs replacing

At last, the renowned tiny indicator that signals when it’s time to change the filter has been replaced in this latest model. In its place, a system featuring a subtle LED light has been introduced, which harmonizes beautifully with the carafe’s overall design.

Complete Brita glass carafe filter test: empty carafe

Here’s some fantastic news for those of you who’ve been curious: Indeed, the Brita glass carafe can be used with filters from different brands. I’ve had the opportunity to personally try out Philips filters, and I can confirm that they fit perfectly with the Brita carafe and do an excellent job at filtering water.

While I may not possess a laboratory to precisely measure and evaluate the filtration efficiency of the various filters, I can confidently vouch for their effectiveness. The proof is in the pudding, or in this case, the water! Filtered tap water has a distinctly fresh taste, and my tea and coffee accessories are practically devoid of any limescale.

We offer two distinct models of glass decanters for your selection. The only difference between them, aside from the price, is the number of filters included. Our first model, which you can often find on special offer, comes with one filter. On the other hand, our second model provides you with three filters for a more versatile experience.

Looking for Brita filters? You can easily find them here. Also, if you’re in need of compatible filters, just click here to find them. Happy shopping!

Complete test of the Brita glass carafe filter: the carafe can be turned completely upside down in order to pour out the water. This was impossible with the previous plastic model. Here, I'm filling my fellow kettle

Making the Most of Your Brita Glass Carafe Filter Every Day

Right from the start of this piece, I’ve expressed my admiration for this decanter. It’s an investment that truly pays off. Apart from its “filtration” feature, which largely depends on the type of filter used, I believe this carafe shines in both its aesthetic appeal and practicality. A case in point is the option to tilt it at a 45° angle, allowing for a quicker water drainage – a feature that adds significant value.

When it comes to materials, I’m a firm believer in the “let’s minimize plastic use whenever we can” philosophy. Despite the fact that certain food-grade plastics are marked as “BPA free” (indicating they’re free from endocrine disruptors), I still prefer to err on the side of caution. To top it off, glass carafes are a breeze to clean compared to their plastic counterparts.

After careful consideration, I’ve decided to award it a rating of 4.5 out of 5.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Let’s Highlight the Positives

  • Materials (mostly glass)
  • Carafe compatibility with filters from other brands
  • Design

Areas for Improvement

  • The high price tag

Great news! Until the end of 2024, Brita is offering a fantastic deal where you can get a €15 refund on your purchase of a glass carafe. The best part? This offer is also valid for purchases made on Amazon. To grab this opportunity, simply visit the Brita website here. Don’t miss out!

L’article Upgrade Your Coffee Experience with the Brita Glass Carafe est apparu en premier sur CoffeeGeek.

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A rare collection of espresso cups Fri, 16 Aug 2024 11:35:26 +0000 Contrary to the vast and vibrant world of tea, which boasts an impressive array of beautiful mugs, it’s less common to stumble upon attractive coffee cups, particularly those designed specifically for espresso. More often than not, we encounter simple all-white or single-colored cups, occasionally adorned with the logo of the manufacturer or the café where […]

L’article A rare collection of espresso cups est apparu en premier sur CoffeeGeek.

Contrary to the vast and vibrant world of tea, which boasts an impressive array of beautiful mugs, it’s less common to stumble upon attractive coffee cups, particularly those designed specifically for espresso. More often than not, we encounter simple all-white or single-colored cups, occasionally adorned with the logo of the manufacturer or the café where we savor our espresso.

Just to clarify, when I mention “coffee cups”, I’m specifically talking about those charming egg-shaped cups that are perfect for your latte, cappuccino, or espresso indulgences.

Having been deeply intrigued by this topic when I was in the market myself, I’m excited to share my discoveries with you.

Unveiling the True Essence of a ‘Real’ Espresso Cup

Meet George Sowden, a celebrated British industrial designer, best known for his contributions to the Italian design collective, Memphis, during the 1980s. Among his many creations, the egg-shaped espresso cups, affectionately known as “egg“, stand out. These uniquely shaped cups are not just aesthetically pleasing, but they also serve a practical purpose. They enhance the espresso tasting experience by intensifying the aromas and flavors. The thick porcelain walls of the cups not only ensure that your espresso stays hot for a longer duration but also add to the cup’s durability. Moreover, the porcelain material helps maintain the coffee’s aromatic purity as it does not retain any odors or flavors.

Rare collectible espresso cups: explanation of what an egg-shaped cup is
Loveramics promotional image.

Discover the “Illy Art Collection” Mugs

Back in 1992, a creative ensemble of artists breathed new life into a coffee mug designed by Matteo Thun for illy, turning it into a blank canvas. This marked the inception of the illy Art Collection, a platform that has since allowed 132 internationally acclaimed artists (as of 2024) to showcase their creativity. If you’re intrigued by any of the past editions, you might need to embark on a treasure hunt on platforms like Le Bon Coin, eBay, or even, unexpectedly, Amazon to discover them up for grabs.

Reinhard Walenta, an Austrian retiree, collects Illy mugs, each designed by a contemporary artist.

Unearth a wealth of artistic brilliance with the “illy Art Collection” series, a true gem for collectors and contemporary art aficionados alike. Since its inception in 1992, this collection has been graced by the creative genius of globally acclaimed artists such as Jeff Koons, Julian Schnabel, and Marina Abramović, who have masterfully transformed simple espresso cups into extraordinary works of art. Certain series, like the one crafted by artist Robert Rauschenberg in 1996, are especially coveted, with cups commanding impressive prices at auction. While the exact figures fluctuate, some limited and autographed series can command thousands of euros. For an estimate of these prized mugs’ worth, enthusiasts can turn to specialist platforms like Artvalue or Catawiki. These sites consider factors such as the artist, limited edition, and preservation status to provide accurate valuations, mirroring the escalating enthusiasm for these unique art pieces.

For those intrigued, there’s a fascinating book that delves into the captivating journey of the illy art collection. It’s a must-read for art enthusiasts!

Discover the Charm of Loveramics Mugs

Loveramics is a renowned name in the realm of contemporary ceramics, particularly known for its exquisite mugs. Established in 2008, the company has made a mark with its unwavering dedication to quality and design. Every piece is crafted with an eye for detail, marrying modern aesthetics with practicality. Loveramics collaborates with skilled artisans and innovative designers to create collections that are cherished by professionals and coffee enthusiasts alike. Boasting an international presence, the brand further strengthens its standing in the coffee world as a prominent sponsor of numerous latte art competitions.

Looking for their mugs? You’re in luck! You can discover their collection on their official website. Alternatively, you can also find them on Amazon for your convenience.

Discover the Ancap “Edizione Espresso” Collection

Ancap, a distinctive brand that may not be as renowned as Illy, hails directly from the heart of Italy. Drawing parallels with the Illy Art Collection, Ancap delights its customers with themed, limited-edition mugs. While these special editions may not be as widely publicized as Illy’s collection series, Ancap has unveiled several unique series over the past few years. Occasionally, you might stumble upon them on platforms like Le Bon Coin or eBay, priced in the range of tens of euros. This is precisely how I managed to add five of the six mugs from the “mondo futuro” collection to my own.

Wrapping Things Up

Regrettably, exquisite espresso cups remain a scarce find in the market. They are frequently linked with exclusive collections, which are sometimes highly sought after by collectors.

If you’re working with a limited budget and are in the market for one or more espresso or cappuccino cups, your best bet is to check out Le Bon Coin. Here, professionals frequently offer their merchandise for a mere €2 or €3 per item, making it an affordable option for your needs.

There exists a fascinating collection of mugs that, although not mentioned in this article due to their deviation from the egg-shaped mugs criteria, are highly sought after. These mini mugs have garnered such a fan base among collectors that they’ve sparked a sort of underground trading scene, often referred to as the Starbucks mug black market.

L’article A rare collection of espresso cups est apparu en premier sur CoffeeGeek.

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Isothermal bottle: tips for making the right choice Wed, 14 Aug 2024 11:40:09 +0000 My workplace doesn’t have facilities for making tea or coffee. So, I came up with the idea to bring my own tea to work, necessitating an insulated bottle. Finding the perfect Thermos model was a bit of a challenge, as I was looking for a well-insulated bottle that was also convenient, visually appealing, and simple […]

L’article Isothermal bottle: tips for making the right choice est apparu en premier sur CoffeeGeek.

My workplace doesn’t have facilities for making tea or coffee. So, I came up with the idea to bring my own tea to work, necessitating an insulated bottle. Finding the perfect Thermos model was a bit of a challenge, as I was looking for a well-insulated bottle that was also convenient, visually appealing, and simple to clean. In this article, I’m excited to share my journey and the essential factors to consider for making an informed choice.

How I Choose the Perfect Isothermal Bottle

Before comparing products, I’ve compiled a list of 9 essential criteria for choosing an isothermal water bottle(click to expand) :
  1. Thermal insulation: Ability to maintain the temperature of hot or cold beverages for long hours.
  2. Capacity: Volume.
  3. Materials: Quality materials, including stainless steel for the bottle and BPA-free materials for the cap and spout.
  4. Watertightness: Guarantee that the water bottle won’t leak when it’s knocked over or shaken, an important criterion for me, especially when cycling.
  5. Easy to clean: Designed for easy cleaning.
  6. Ergonomics: Easy to handle, simple to open and close.
  7. Weight and portability: Lightweight and easy to transport.
  8. Design: Aesthetics and style to match your personal preferences.
  9. Price: Value for money.

Following a thorough exploration and comparison, I’ve handpicked two exceptional models of isothermal water bottles that truly shine due to their superior performance and impressive features.

Isothermal bottle: tips for making the right choice; thermos on the right, kinto travel on the left

Exploring the Thermos Light and Compact Stainless Steel Flask 1L: A Comprehensive Review and User Opinions

When the term “isothermal bottle” comes up, one brand instantly pops into our minds: Thermos. This brand has become so iconic that it’s often used as a generic term for this type of product, much like how we use “Blanco” to refer to white concealer or “frigo” for a refrigerator.

Thus, I embarked on a journey to explore what this brand had in store. After a thorough search, I chose a particular model and placed an order for it on Amazon.

Isothermal bottle: tips for making the right choice; thermos with cap

Offered in two convenient sizes (0.5l and 1l) and a variety of vibrant colors, this Thermos pledges to maintain your beverages at the perfect temperature, hot or cold, for a full 24 hours. But does it truly live up to this promise? Let’s find out.

Exploring the Ergonomic Design of this Thermos

Thermos continues to uphold its esteemed reputation by providing water bottles that can maintain temperature for extended periods. However, this superior insulation necessitates thicker walls, which gives the bottle a somewhat substantial presence. The Thermos Light and Compact Stainless Steel Flask, with its 1L capacity, is nearly as large as a 1.5L water bottle.

Isothermal bottle: tips for making the right choice; thermos cap opening details

One aspect that could be improved is the cleaning process. The opening of the bottle is somewhat small (4 cm), which can make cleaning a bit challenging, particularly in the dishwasher. The water jets may not be able to thoroughly clean the inside of the bottle due to its narrow opening. However, it’s worth noting that this might seem like a minor issue, considering the current trend of water bottles designed with a slender opening.

The drinking stopper is not only well-crafted but also exudes a sense of quality. It’s designed with convenience in mind, allowing you to easily unscrew the top part for a thorough cleaning. Plus, the thermos features a cleverly designed cap that doubles as a cup. This ensures a secure closure, preventing any accidental opening of the drinking cap during transit.

The Thermos cap can be removed for thorough cleaning.
Opening for drinking: closed
Isothermal bottle: tips for making the right choice; thermos cap opening details
Opening for drinking: open

Exploring the Insulation Capabilities of a Thermos

In order to evaluate the performance of the thermos’ isothermal insulation, I decided to conduct a little experiment. I filled the thermos with water heated to 80°C, which is the ideal brewing temperature for my favorite green tea. I then patiently waited until the afternoon to take a sip. The result? My tea was still piping hot, with steam swirling up from the surface.

My Personal Take on This Thermos

While this Thermos is impressively insulating and boasts a generous capacity, it didn’t quite match my requirements. I was on the hunt for a moderately-sized, insulated water bottle to carry my tea to work. In retrospect, the 500-mL model might have been a more suitable choice for my needs.

This Thermos is a top-notch selection for anyone in search of an insulated water bottle that boasts superior thermal insulation and a generous capacity. It’s the perfect companion for adventurous travelers, winter sports aficionados, or those who relish lengthy fishing sessions.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

This Thermos bottle, althoughultra-insulating and offering a large capacity, didn’t meet my needs. In fact, I was looking fora medium-sized insulated water bottle to bring tea to work. I think the 500-mL model would have better met my needs.

However, this Thermos is an excellent choice for anyone looking for an isothermal bottle offering both excellent thermal insulation and large volume. It’s ideal for travelers, winter sports enthusiasts or those who spend long hours fishing.

The Bright Side

  • Very good insulation
  • Easy-to-clean pourer cap
  • Presenting a cup
  • Volumes available (500 ml and 1l)
  • Good value for money

Areas for Improvement

  • Slightly narrow opening for cleaning
  • Large size

Why I Chose the Kinto Travel Tumbler: A Personal Review

I stumbled upon Kinto, a delightful brand hailing from Japan. This brand specializes in providing a variety of kitchenware, with a particular focus on items designed for brewing tea and coffee.

In my quest to deliver a comprehensive article, and intrigued by the potential superiority of their product over the Thermos, I made the decision to purchase it for a hands-on evaluation.

Promotional photo of the kinto travel isothermal bottle/water bottle
Kinto travel 500 ml

Exploring the Ergonomics of the Kinto Travel Tumbler

Kinto presents a product that embraces a unique philosophy compared to the traditional thermos. It’s more akin to an isothermal cup. Once you’ve unscrewed the top, you can sip from any side, eliminating the need for a conventional “ON/OFF” mechanism found in thermoses with pouring stoppers. Kinto has thoughtfully included an “ice block” feature to keep ice cubes from obstructing your drink during those hot summer days. The design of the Kinto cup is reminiscent of the Nespresso’s NOMAD isothermal mug. Once opened, you can drink from any angle, much like a regular mug, making it an ideal companion for those long hours in front of the computer. With Kinto, you can always count on your drink staying hot, even after several hours.

Isothermal bottle: tips for making the right choice: I'm pouring tea into a Kinto isothermal bottle.
Tea brewed in the Kinto unitea glass teapot
Isothermal bottle: tips for making the right choice; kinto travel open top
Kinto Travel ready to use.

The mouth of this isothermal cup boasts a generous 5.9 cm diameter, ensuring a hassle-free cleaning experience, cap included.

Our insulated water bottle comes in two convenient sizes: 350 ml and 500 ml. While some might find the lack of a larger capacity a minor drawback, it’s worth noting that a bigger size could potentially make the bottle too cumbersome, a common issue seen with thermoses.

Exploring the Insulation Capabilities of the Travel Tumbler Insulated Water Bottle

I decided to put Kinto’s isothermal insulation to the test. I poured tea at a temperature of 80°C into it and patiently waited until the afternoon to take a sip. To my delight, the tea was still hot! This flask truly offers impressive insulation.

There were two compelling reasons that swayed my decision towards the Kinto over the Nespresso:

  1. The design: it’s entirely personal, but I prefer the design of the Kinto.
  2. The locking system: although the Nespresso system is watertight, I feel more reassured with the Kinto system for my bike trips.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

There were two compelling reasons that swayed my decision towards the Kinto over the Nespresso:

  1. The design: it’s entirely personal, but I prefer the design of the Kinto.
  2. The locking system: although the Nespresso system is watertight, I feel more reassured with the Kinto system for my bike trips.

This Kinto insulated water bottle fully meets my need for a medium-capacity insulated water bottle to take tea to work. Although I would have preferred a slightly larger volume, I find it practical, attractive and good value for money, despite a slightly higher price than the Thermos.

The Bright Side

  • Very good insulation
  • Watertight plug
  • 360°C drinking option
  • Practical for working in front of the computer

Areas for Improvement

  • Volumes available (350 ml and 500 ml)

But is it truly so?

Why, you might ask, have I been emphasizing tea over coffee throughout this article? The answer is simple. I could easily use my Aeropress or my V60 to brew a delightful cup of tea. But why would I do that? There are two main reasons: Firstly, I’m making an effort to reduce my coffee intake and, more significantly, I’ve noticed that the enticing aromas of coffee tend to fade over time. To put it simply, if I sip on coffee that’s been kept hot in a thermos for several hours after brewing, I find that its captivating aroma diminishes.

L’article Isothermal bottle: tips for making the right choice est apparu en premier sur CoffeeGeek.

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Water and Coffee Showdown: Bottled Water or Carafe Filters? Sun, 11 Aug 2024 09:37:54 +0000 Many people tend to overlook the significance of water in brewing coffee, despite its vital role in maintaining the coffee’s quality and enhancing the aroma of the final drink. Given the recent controversy in France over the unlawful purification of bottled water, it’s even more crucial to emphasize the importance of being aware of the […]

L’article Water and Coffee Showdown: Bottled Water or Carafe Filters? est apparu en premier sur CoffeeGeek.

Many people tend to overlook the significance of water in brewing coffee, despite its vital role in maintaining the coffee’s quality and enhancing the aroma of the final drink. Given the recent controversy in France over the unlawful purification of bottled water, it’s even more crucial to emphasize the importance of being aware of the source of the water we consume.

A significant controversy is currently brewing in France’s bottled water industry due to the illicit employment of purification techniques, including ultraviolet and activated carbon filtration, by prominent corporations such as Nestlé Waters and the Alma Group.

Recent media investigations have uncovered practices that starkly contradict the standards demanding natural purity in mineral waters. These findings prompted a government inspection, which shockingly revealed that almost 30% of brands were implicated. This scandal casts a shadow of doubt over the authenticity of labels such as “natural mineral water” or “spring water”. It also underscores the glaring gaps in the industry’s oversight and regulation. The consumer advocacy group, Foodwatch, is gearing up to file a complaint. They are emphasizing the urgent need for enhanced transparency and more robust control measures to p

Discover Filter Carafes: A Sustainable Alternative to Bottled Water

In France, tap water is safe to drink and presents an environmentally friendly and cost-effective alternative to bottled water. However, it’s important to note that hard water, prevalent in many regions, can potentially harm coffee machines over time. Additionally, the pH level of tap water can influence the quality of your brewed coffee.

Enhancing the taste of your tap water and coffee is just one of the many benefits of using a carafe filter. More than that, it’s a greener alternative to constantly buying bottled water. These carafes work by eliminating chlorine, reducing limescale, and filtering out certain heavy metals, thereby improving the quality of your water. They also have a significant impact on the extraction of coffee aromas, thanks to a balanced pH that encourages better flavor extraction. Embracing this method not only unveils the rich, aromatic complexity of your coffee, but it also significantly cuts down on the plastic waste generated by disposable water bottles, contributing to the protection of our environment.

The recent uncovering of unlawful practices in the purification of bottled water underscores the critical need for increased transparency and stricter regulations within the water industry. This revelation serves as a timely reminder for consumers to be discerning in their choice of water for their coffee. Not only does this protect their equipment and enhance the flavor of their drink, but it also promotes a more eco-conscious lifestyle.

Stay updated with our latest news! Feel free to explore here.

L’article Water and Coffee Showdown: Bottled Water or Carafe Filters? est apparu en premier sur CoffeeGeek.

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Discovering new roasters – January 2024 Tue, 06 Aug 2024 19:03:40 +0000 In my quest for ever-greater knowledge, I discovered the monthly subscriptions available from roasters in France and other European countries. And I decided to give in to temptation… As you may know, coffee is much more than just a beverage, and the bottomless pit that is specialty coffee may still scare you a little. For […]

L’article Discovering new roasters – January 2024 est apparu en premier sur CoffeeGeek.

In my quest for ever-greater knowledge, I discovered the monthly subscriptions available from roasters in France and other European countries. And I decided to give in to temptation…

As you may know, coffee is much more than just a beverage, and the bottomless pit that is specialty coffee may still scare you a little. For while specialty coffee is a sensory experience, awakening our taste buds and transporting us to a world of rich and varied flavors, it’s also a cost that not all of us are ready to assume when taking our first steps into this world.

As a barista for over 7 years, I first discovered coffee as a fine product through my studies in the hotel and catering industry, then as a gourmet pleasure during my various travels around the world. At the dawn of this new year, which promises to be full of enriching projects for me, I thought it would be interesting to learn more and more and discover a whole host of new coffees. That’s why I’m so curious about the roaster subscriptions. Receiving different, freshly roasted coffees every month – what a great idea! But is it really worth it? That’s the question I’d like to answer every month in 2024.

As we usher in the new year, I’m thrilled to introduce two renowned roasters for the month of January – KB Roasters and Kawa. Both are proudly based in the enchanting city of Paris, France.

Here at KB, I’ve made the delightful choice to opt for:

  • 2x250gr espresso: €30.00
  • 2x250gr filter: €30.00

At Kawa, I’ve made the delightful choice to receive:

  • 2x200gr espresso “micro-lot”: €29.90
  • 2x200gr “micro-lot” filter: €29.90

The “micro-lot 88+” option allows you to receive only exceptional coffees.

Welcome to KB Roasters!

Although KB Roasters chooses not to disclose the SCA (Q Grading) ratings for their coffee selection, this is where Kawa shines. They proudly display their coffees’ SCA ratings on their website, allowing you to make an informed choice.

I was genuinely impressed by the swift service provided by KB Roasters. I subscribed and received my order in less than three days, even during the busy festive season – that’s quite remarkable! The coffee bags I received were freshly roasted just a few days prior, so I had to patiently wait a few more days before indulging (as it’s widely known that coffee tastes best between 7 and 21 days post-roasting). The coffees I received were readily available on their online store at the time of delivery, and I was thrilled to save a tidy sum, albeit a small euro.

Here’s what the KB Roasters selection has in store for you:

  • Limao Rosa: natural espresso from Brazil
  • Aurora Anaerobic: anaerobic washed espresso from Nicaragua
  • Huancas Fidel: Peru’s natural filter
  • Chelichele Oro: anaerobic fermentation filter from Ethiopia

Within this selection of four coffees, we find a balanced mix of two traditional processes and two that are a bit more experimental. The geographical origins of these coffees aren’t particularly diverse, with three hailing from South and Central America, and one from Africa. However, a quick glance at the store and the roaster’s social media pages reveals an exciting array of coffees from Asian countries as well. This is a delightful bonus for me, as I’m always eager to explore and savor new flavors.

Imagine my astonishment when I found myself delighting in the Brazilian espresso, a pleasure I hadn’t anticipated. You see, I’ve often been skeptical about Brazilian coffees. As the world’s top producer, Brazil sends out a mix of both average and exceptional coffees. Unfortunately, amidst the sea of mediocrity, the true gems often elude me. However, KB Roasters has managed to present a wonderfully balanced, velvety coffee, graced with the flavors of milk chocolate, almonds, and a subtle hint of citrus.

The second espresso offers a delightful floral bouquet, complemented by a hint of acidity, yet devoid of any astringency. The two filter coffees, though distinct in their own ways, both carry a fruity essence and an exotic flair that I find particularly appealing in coffees brewed with gentle methods. A special mention goes to the Chelichele Oro, a filter coffee that strikes a perfect balance with zero acidity, a subtle touch of bitterness, and delightful notes of red fruit, berries, and cocoa. It’s a truly enjoyable experience.

Discover Micro Lots at Kawa

While Kawa ‘s delivery took a bit more time, I was pleasantly surprised to find that three out of the four coffees in my parcel had been freshly roasted after I placed my order. This certainly explains the extra time taken in preparation. Interestingly, none of the coffee varieties I received are currently listed in their online store, or at least not with the same roast. This makes it challenging to determine the value of the subscription. However, I’m keen to keep an eye on their offerings this month and the next, to see if the coffees I’ve received become available online.

Having been a regular customer of Kawa, both in-store and online, I was quite familiar with their offerings. Kawa is well-known for its unique and unconventional coffee varieties, often involving intriguing processes like the strawberry honey method. So, the contents of my package were not entirely unexpected, but still exciting nonetheless.

January brought us a delightful surprise in the form of two unique coffees from the farm of Nestor Lasso. Nestor is a young Colombian producer who, in collaboration with his brother, has gained international recognition for his innovative and experimental techniques. He’s a bit of an enigma in the coffee world, a true trailblazer. Additionally, we were thrilled to feature a coffee from Jhoan Vergara, whose Las Flores farm is closely associated with Nestor Lasso’s operations.

We’re excited to share with you our top selections for Kawa this January:

  • Jhoan Vergara: anaerobic washed espresso from Colombia
  • Nestor Lasso (Chiroso): anaerobic washed espresso from Colombia
  • Finca Hartmann: Panama’s natural filter
  • Nestor Lasso (Typica ): anaerobic washed filter from Colombia

We have an intriguing selection of coffee exclusively from Central and South America. It’s worth noting that Colombia and Panama, being neighboring countries, produce similar varieties of coffee, with only a few unique exceptions to each.

Jhoan Vergara’s farm produces a truly delightful coffee, a rich, syrupy Java that teases the palate with hints of exotic and yellow fruits. With its low acidity and natural sweetness, this coffee is a perfect choice for a creamy latte. Nestor Lasso’s two coffee varieties are a delightful surprise. From the refreshing, citrusy Chiroso to the sweet, candy-like Typica, there’s a world of flavors to explore. This has been a fascinating journey, and if you’re eager to uncover new tastes through speciality coffees, I wholeheartedly recommend trying El Diviso’s offerings.

The last coffee I had the pleasure of tasting truly stood out – the renowned Finca Hartmann from Panama. It presented a robust, full-bodied filter, intriguingly tinged with a hint of almond-like bitterness. The subtle brewing methods beautifully amplified the notes of red fruit and brown sugar, making it my absolute favorite.

Coffee roasting

As we wrap up this invigorating month of January, we’re excited to introduce you to two distinct roasters. Despite their contrasting values and methodologies, both bring a unique and captivating charm to the table. So, let’s dive in and explore what makes each of them so intriguing!

Having given it some thought, I’ve decided to stick with just the KB espresso and Kawa filter subscriptions for the upcoming month of February. This will allow me to use the leftover budget to explore offerings from a different roaster, ideally within the same price range. If you have any suggestions or a particular roaster that has piqued your interest, I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

L’article Discovering new roasters – January 2024 est apparu en premier sur CoffeeGeek.

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