The kuku maker claims to be able to make every possible type of extraction. But is it really the vcs for espresso?

The Kuku Maker: Can it make a real Espresso?


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Are you curious about the Kuku Maker’s ability to craft an authentic espresso? This question sprang to mind after viewing demonstrations featuring the Timemore Chestnut S3. From my personal testing, it appears that this grinder struggles to produce a true espresso, even when adjusted to its finest setting.

Featured on the left is the Timemore Chestnut S3 coffee grinder, which we’ve used in the demonstration video you’ll find below. For an in-depth review and my personal analysis of its espresso-making capabilities, feel free to check out the related article.

Mastering Espresso Extraction with the Kuku Maker and Timemore S3

Our coffee machine employs the intriguing centrifugal extraction technology, sparking a bit of curiosity. The exact extraction pressure remains a mystery as it hinges entirely on the centrifugal rotation speed to brew your perfect cup of coffee.

Just like with the Kuku maker, the coffee “descends” at the end of the brewing process. This design doesn’t allow us to see the extraction process as clearly as we could with a bottomless filter holder. Consequently, assessing the quality of the coffee as it flows can be a bit tricky. Typically, for instance, we can observe the presence (or lack thereof) of channeling during the extraction process.

Isn’t it fascinating how this coffee machine introduces us to a distinctive brewing technique? It’s somewhat akin to the espresso method, yet it possesses its own unique charm. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this!

We’d love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to express your opinions in the comments section below.

This machine truly captivates me, and I’m eager to keep tracking its advancements. However, I must admit that I haven’t participated directly, as my fascination with this project is purely from a technological standpoint. I suspect I might miss some of the intricate steps involved in crafting my espresso, like employing a WDT or tamping, to name a few.

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