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The Kottea CK150S: wrongly criticized?


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Meet the Kottea CK150S, an espresso machine that has been a staple in my coffee room for over a year. This entry-level machine comes with an aluminum thermoblock and a 58-minute stainless steel group. For a reasonable price, you can own this Maxicoffee machine, which can be upgraded with a stainless-steel filter holder, programmable dosage, and a set of pressurized single-use filters. It’s the perfect launchpad into the world of espresso without breaking the bank (priced at $159 in November 2023). However, this machine has been subject to some negative reviews. When you start your research, you might stumble upon a slew of criticisms that could discourage you from purchasing this machine. But are these criticisms justified? Allow me to delve into some of them and share my personal experience as a Kottea CK150S user.

Why is the Coffee from this Machine Coming Out Cold?

While this machine is not without its imperfections, it still has plenty to offer. One might notice the absence of a pressure gauge for extraction pressure and a PID – features that would have been a nice addition. However, the machine’s design is refreshingly straightforward. It boasts an aluminum thermoblock, a feature that more than meets the requirements for achieving satisfactory extractions.

One of the most common criticisms I’ve come across is that the coffee produced is cold. It’s important to remember that this isn’t a high-end machine like La Marzocco, nor is it an E61, so the heat transfer is naturally going to be less efficient. However, you can easily overcome this by manually heating your filter holder with several flushes. Given that it’s made of stainless steel, it retains heat quite well and is ready for extraction after just 2 or 3 “flushes” of about ten seconds each. Considering this is a thermoblock machine that costs less than $200, it’s a small adjustment to make.
What I find a bit overblown is when this criticism is escalated to an alleged design flaw. Some people argue that the thermoblock doesn’t come into contact with the showerhead and therefore doesn’t heat it, as discussed in a lengthy forum post (yes, I read the entire thing). However, expecting the filter holder to heat up quickly and independently is a misunderstanding of how a percolator operates. Even with top-tier machines, baristas follow a standard procedure. Before the first extraction, they

Warm up your filter holder. This step is ingeniously crafted to expedite the process.
Thus, if you’re a proud owner of this machine and you’ve noticed that the coffee in your cup isn’t quite as hot as you’d like, here are a couple of handy tips for you:

  • Heat your filter holder with 2 or 3 flushes before the first coffee.
  • Heat your cup too to avoid thermal shock

If you’re still craving more, why not treat yourself to a bottomless filter holder? Normcore’s versions work wonderfully!

Navigating this machine for accurate extraction can be a bit tricky

One of the key things to remember about this Kottea machine is that it requires a bit of practice to perfect your extraction technique. We highly recommend using a quality grinder and relatively fresh coffee for the best results. It’s also essential to allow yourself some time to experiment, make a few mistakes, and learn from them. MaxiCoffee markets this as an evolutionary machine, which is quite an accomplishment. Mastering this machine is the secret to brewing a delicious espresso. It’s important not to fall into the trap of thinking that, due to its affordable price and seemingly simple design, the machine will automatically produce a perfect cup of coffee. If you’re under this impression, you might be in for a surprise. However, once you get the hang of it, you’ll realize that brewing an espresso is more of an art than it initially appears.
There’s been some criticism about pressurized filters and their tendency to splash. This is just a characteristic of this type of filter, and we generally advise against using them. Consider investing in a quality grinder like this one for the best results.

/”>Discover Kingrinder’s K4 and K6 and transition to straightforward filters. This is your gateway to exploring and savoring the finest coffees.
Consider this machine as a worthy investment, but remember, pressurized filters may not be its best companion. So, invest some time in acquiring a top-notch grinder. Also, don’t forget to practice, as the rewards you’ll reap from this endeavor will be immensely gratifying.

Delving into My Feedback and Workflow

As I mentioned in the introduction, I’ve been the proud owner of this machine since September 2022. With an average of two espressos a day, you can imagine how much I’ve used it! Contrary to some reviews, I’ve never had a lukewarm 40° coffee. With a bit of practice, I’ve successfully brewed coffees ranging from light to medium dark. I’m thrilled with the results I get in my cup, and I’ve even managed to recreate the flavors I’ve savored in coffee shops. This tells me that this machine is more than capable of meeting my coffee needs.

Ma _kottea_kc150s on the worktop in mo nespace café

When it comes to my workflow, I prefer using a bottomless filter holder, which I seldom preheat. This is a great advantage as less metal translates to less heat retention. However, I always make sure to warm up both my cup and puck-screen. As for the equipment, this machine is paired with a Timemore Chestnut X and a Kingrinder K4, both of which yield exceptional results. I’ve also customized it by installing a dimmer switch directly connected to the pump, allowing me to regulate the water flow.
So, if you’re eager to delve into the science of espresso without breaking the bank, the Kottea CK150S is the perfect machine for you. It’s easy to source the necessary accessories, and it brews a fantastic cup of coffee!


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